December Goals

It's the 6th day of December! Only 19 more days until Christmas (my favorite!) and then we will soon be saying good-bye to 2013. I am hoping to end the year strong with my goals. I did not do an official goal post for November and instead opted to work on the couple that I didn't do too well with during October. Here's the recap:

  1. Moisturize and seal {at least} 4x a week. Success! I have gotten so much better at being consistent about this.
  2. Drink {at least} 54oz of water daily. Success - kinda. I definitely increased my water intake, which is the heart of this goal, but there were a number of days I fogot my handy dandy water bottle and was just drinking numerous cups of water all day. Sooo... I can't really say if I actually drank 54oz or not.
  3. Exercise 2-3x a week. FAIL! Ugh. Have I exercised? Yes. Have I been consistent enough to make it a regular habit? Absolutely not! Tis the season... to gain weight. My patients love bringing in all kinds of cookies, cakes and other yummy, fattening snacks. And I love eating them. So if there's a month I need to get back on my exercise game it's definitely this one. 
  4. Post to my blog {at least} 3x a week. Fail! I did this 3/4 weeks in October, which was great, but then it didn't happen in November. I've been posting more regularly since I started this goal though so I am happy about that.
  5. Use my growth aid oil every other day. Success!
  6. Find a long-term protective style! Success! I'll be posting about my box braids this weekend.

I'm pleased with my progress with those goals. I feel like I was a lot more successful than when I initially started these monthly goals. For this month, I want to especially focus on my box braid maintenance and exercising. I officially admit that eveyone who doubted me, in terms of my ability to keep these in for a long period of time, was completely justified in their beliefs. I will be extremely proud of myself if I make it to 6 weeks! Also, I don't have weight goals or anything. I just want to be a healthier Melanie. In the past, I have been much more conscious about my eating habits and working out than I have been in the past year. I would just like to get back to that.

Here are my December goals:
  1. Moisturize and seal my hair (with sprays) every other day.
  2. Keep my braids in for 6 weeks.  
  3. Cardio workout twice a week.
  4. Follow through with completing this 30-day plank challenge.
  5. Post 15 times this month.
  6. Review 5 products.
I made my goals pretty specific this time. I'm not sure if that will make them easier to achieve or not, but that is my hope.  


  1. Good luck with your December goals!

  2. Specific goals ALWAYS seem to make accomplishing them easier to me. Good luck chica! And your braids are super cute!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  3. Thank you! I hope I'll be able to say the same come January.


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