Relaaaxer Day

This was the quickest relaxer day I've ever had! Thank God it was not to the detriment of my hair. I wanted to try to stretch a little longer, but with everything I have going on with the holidays this was the best opportunity. So I was about 10 weeks post, which is my minimum stretch period. I've probably been self-relaxing my hair for about 7 years now. Before that, it was done by my mom and/or my sister. 

Any-who, this is my third time tex-laxing - purposely underprocessing my hair with a relaxer. The first time was an accident. So I've been experimenting with ways to achieve my perfect amount of textured hair. This time I added conditioner to the relaxer. 

  1. I divided my hair into four sections (two front, two back). In each section, I parted my hair horizontally and based my scalp with vaseline. I also put vaseline around my edges and ears.
  2. To protect my previously relaxed hair, I use a conditioner, an oil and vaseline. I don't mind if I get any on my new growth. I used Herbal Essences Honey I'm Strong, followed by grapeseed oil and sealed with vaseline. This creates a pretty solid layer of protection to prevent over-processing from relaxer runoff during rinsing. This process also leaves my hair pre-parted for quick relaxer application.
  3. I use Elasta QP Ultra Hydration No-Lye Relaxer. I think this relaxer underprocesses my hair period, but I like how my hair feels after using it. I start at the top of the back sections working my way down then move to the front sections. My mom helped today since I was in a time crunch. Whole application including smoothing took about 15 minutes. 
  4. After rinsing, I did a mid-step protein treatment. I use Aphogee's 2-step Protein Treatment. I truly hate how this stuff smells and I always end up making a mess with the whole application and blow drying it hard step, BUT it is a good hard protein treatment. My hair likes it so I keep using it.
  5. I neutralized (3 lathers with the shampoo from the kit) and applied the balancing moisturizer for the 2 step protein. I left that on for about 5 minutes then rinsed.
  6. I tried a new addition for deep conditioning - Creme of Nature Argan Oil Intensive Conditioning Treatment. Mixed with Elasta QP Soy-Oyl Ultra Hydration Deep Conditioner (my faithful base conditioner). Sat under my bonnet dryer for about 30 minutes.
  7. Detangled and rinsed in the shower with cool water. Did a final rinse with apple cider vinegar and cooler water. 
My hair felt quite soft, yet strong, and smelled really good when all was said and done. So I was pleased. Perhaps I will buy another packet of the CON Argan Oil Conditioner. I applied my leave ins (pictured above) and put my hair in a bun to air dry so I could quickly get ready to go to a holiday party. Nothing fancy, but it worked. :)  

took it down to finish airdrying later that night

1 comment:

  1. wow,Your hair looks full,i want to have a try!


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