Winter Hair Woes

The notorious dry winter weather has given my hair the ultimate sadface. I mean it's just been dryness, dryness, dryness!! Of course, it was to be expected, but I'm going to have to make some changes. I'm sure it didn't help that I flat ironed my hair either. I was already on a hunt for a great moisturizer. The one I have been using seemed to be working pretty well... until the weather changed! So I'm kinda back at square one with that. I guess its too thin for the weather? I think I might start deep conditioning more and shampooing less. For now, I will just be making sure my hair stays moisturized and hidden from the elements. 

I have yet to make a list of new goals for the year. I'm not really a new year's resolution kinda gal, but there are some goals I've been thinking about setting for the past month or so. Ridding myself of this thirsty hair will be at the top of the list though. Will share soon!

Happy New Year! Can't believe it's 2013!


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