Hair Update

I cannot believe its April already! 2015 is flying by so quick. I realized I haven't done a full hair update at all yet. Eeek! Well you'll be happy to know that you haven't missed too much. My hair and I are not the best of friends right now. She's getting on my nerves a bit.

I am in a hair rut, ladies! I seriously don't know what's going on with it. I'm quickly approaching 18 weeks post aaaand I don't know what to do with myself. I want to relax my hair, but I haven't felt like it nor have I had the time to do it. My scalp has been oddly sore, too. Sometimes that happens when I start getting a lot of new growth, but it's never been this extreme. It's much better now, but that is something that has kept me from relaxing as well. I already bought my relaxer so it's just a matter of time.

I started out the year with some crochet braids (pictured above). They were awesome and lasted much longer than most of my crochet sets. I think because I was so in love with the style and too busy to take it down to do something else. Dont worry I'll be posting about them soon!  It wasn't until I took them out that I realized how much new growth I have. Needless to say, I haven't been doing ANYTHING with my hair. I even bought a wig!

I had my hair trimmed in January. I knew I had at least a couple inches of thin ends that needed to go and I did not want to do it myself. I went to Great Clips. It was quick, painless and she did a great job. I actually recorded the whole thing, too. I'm really quite over these bone straight ends! I thought they were going to be all gone after this trim because I gave her free reign. Surprising, I know. She was more conservative than I expected, which showed me I can trust her and she will be trimming my hair again. She complemented the health and thickness of my hair and said there wasn't much that really needed to be cut off. She also said I had little to no split ends! #winning She really just focused on getting rid of the thinner ends.

I want to keep up protective styling at least until the summer time. I think it's easiest for my life right now and it will help me finally get passed bra-strap length without having to cut it off again. So that's one of my main hair goals along with being fully texlaxed. Box braids are next up. I've thought about going to get them done somewhere, but the fact that my traumatic braiding experience still makes me shudder means that's probably not going to happen. I just have to find the time to do them myself I guess. We shall see!

Hope you all have been well!


  1. Its amazing when we do little to nothing our hair thrives sometimes. Can't wait to see your touch up results.

  2. Definitely try to find time, the stylists out thee are destroying our hair! Loving the crotchet braids!!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! I think you're right. I cannot imagine going through yet another negative stylist experience. It's just not worth it.

  3. Can we see the vid footage of your trim?? Pleees??

    1. Sure! I will put some of the footage together for a video soon.


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